Hello and welcome to this short newsletter I’m so immersed in creating the Mindfit Coaching Academy and have been doing video work and photoshoots while developing the content for the [...]
It’s been so encouraging to receive the warm and inspiring responses to my previous blog post and so I just have to write a response to all the awesome people that gave us the ‘thumbs up’ for our [...]
If you have been following my blog, you will know that I have embarked on something quite unusual and somewhat risky, if compared to what is considered to be normal. At the end of November, I [...]
I’ve been wanting to do this for many years and finally, I have made the decision and my life is about to change… For over 9 years now, I have been completely absorbed in my work, which I [...]
Whilst in South Florida, I was on the Abundance Now Show with talk show host Maria Lopez talking about the Power of Good Habits. Abundance Now with Maria M. Lopez is a radio show designed to [...]
Later today I will be flying out of South Africa to the USA to follow a dream I’ve had for a long time. This dream is one of many but it is such an important one because when I embarked on this [...]
Testimonial: An Attitude of Gratitude from Gerritt Snyders In our busy environment, it sometimes seems virtually impossible to balance the lives we lead with what will actually enable us to [...]
I don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions because generally we set ourselves up for disappointment and failure. I do believe that if we resolve the emotions that are creating dis-ease in our [...]
I love playing! This year I have played more and more and it seems like that is all I am doing most of the time. Each time I remind myself that “Play” is the word I choose to represent my life [...]
I love books! In some of the darkest times in my life I chose to dive into the sanctuary of a book, escaping into the world that the writer had either created or captured and engrossing myself [...]