Having just returned from a two-week breakaway of rest and peace, I’ve been asking myself this question, “if I could do 2023 over again, what would I change?” The question hasn’t come about in [...]
As a Transformational life coach I’m in the privileged position of listening to people every day and hearing of what troubles them the most. What I’ve noticed is that when there are feelings of [...]
It’s been a very full women’s month for us at Mindfit with multiple events, talks, workshops and fundraisers for Wings of Hope – Mindfit Outreach NPC, our community outreach organisation. Our [...]
As I write this I’m sitting overlooking a river in a wild space in Africa. Each year my husband and go on an adventure to a new place and explore an area we haven’t experienced before. Deciding [...]
Writing this blog is something I love to do. Life gives me so many experiences that I learn valuable lessons from and the latest lesson has been a powerful one that I wouldn’t have understood any [...]
Being a mother is often fraught with insecurities and guilt. My mother used to say that women are born feeling guilty and once they have children the guilt becomes a full blown case of “not good [...]
Last week I heard myself say something I hadn’t said before and it sort of shocked me. I often heard my mother and some of my older family members say it and at the time I didn’t understand it. [...]
This blog is real. It’s real because what I’m talking about here has really happened and life became very real for me this past month. I’m not one that slavishly follows what’s happening with the [...]
There’s a common belief that happiness is something you have to look for. I used to believe that too. Eventually after exhausting myself with my affirmations, meditations, journal writing, [...]
For many years I had a spiritual teacher. His name was Patrick and he lived in the Western Cape in South Africa. Several times a year I would travel to wherever Patrick was to be in his presence [...]