Where I come from,

As far back as I can remember I have been a teacher. From Sunday School to Weigh-less, Young Achievers and Direct Sales; then as the head of my own companies, from a Life Skills Leader, owner of a Personal Training Gym, an Interior Designer and Construction company, to leading woman in a Consciousness group; these are just some of the roles that have embedded in me the intention to teach and share.

My thirst to learn more about the workings of the mind led me to study coaching as a career, after reading an article describing the skills that had always seemed to come to me naturally. In the early 2000’s I completed my certification as an accredited Results Life Coach and have been coaching full time ever since. I have a deep and innate desire to know more about the workings of the Universe, and have researched, attended and participated in countless numbers of courses, programmes, lectures and workshops.

I am currently in my 60’s and have decided that my vision has changed from success to significance. I continue to strive to model my life and the pursuit of my passion on the following simple words…

“Only as high as I reach, can I grow, only as far as I seek, can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream, can I be.”


Why I wake up in the morning,

I am passionate about people development and growth and encouraging individuals to take ownership and accountability of their lives and their performance in the workplace. I have always taken an interest in personal development and transformation in my own life and business, and have researched and participated in numerous courses, seminars and programs for over 35 years. My interest and relentless pursuit of knowledge has taken me all over the world both as a student and more recently as an International speaker, Life Coach and Lifestyle and Wellness Coach.

I have an holistic and fun approach to coaching and my intention is always to encourage and invite people to wake up! Sometimes that takes some stretching, but it always results in an awakening for those I work with. For me, it’s all about expanding awareness and that means doing things a little differently, because as we know, continuing to do the same thing and expecting a different result is the true definition of insanity. One of my specialties is teaching people how to power up their brains! I love what I do and using many of the principles I have learnt, I have been able to create a healthy, balanced lifestyle that affords me the time to continue following what I love.

After a lot of twists and turns and ups and downs, I am happy to say that I have found many of the answers to the questions that I have been seeking along this journey. I found out what I am truly destined to be in this life and now it’s time to enjoy and to help others find their way to more freedom, balance and happiness.

“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do” – Rumi