What I know to be true

As I write this, I’m sitting at a game lodge, on a patio overlooking a Namibian landscape watching nature in her abundant splendor. Right at this moment I feel blessed, happy and in sync with everything around me and it’s a good feeling. Namibia has been on my bucket list to experience for over 10 years and finally we are road-tripping for approximately 8,000km in a 4×4 vehicle with a roof-top tent and a carload of camping items and supplies. It will take us 22 days in total and so far, it’s been a wonderful trip. Despite 3 flat tires and one ripped to shreds which is unfixable, the rest of the trip has been a joy.

I tell you this because almost a month ago I was in deep grief at the death of my beloved brother who passed away on the 29th of June, which also happened to be my sister’s birthday and she passed away 2 years earlier. My reason for giving you these two extremes as examples is I now fully understand how we as human beings, go through a myriad of emotions constantly. If I think about the loss of my siblings, I feel sad but as soon as there is something that takes my attention off of my thoughts of pain and loss, I feel light and happy again and that’s how it happens all the time.

It’s how we’re designed. We think thoughts and some thoughts cause us to feel happy and other thoughts cause us to feel sad. It isn’t because of what we’ve experienced that creates the feeling of happiness or sadness, it’s our thinking about the experience of loss or thinking about the experience of sitting in the middle of the beautiful African bush that has us feeling happy or feeling sad.

Personally, for years I believed it was because I was a positive person that I experienced a positive life but still I would feel unhappy and sad at various times regardless of how amazing my life seemed to be. The thing is, regardless of your circumstances and experiences, or your positive or negative state of mind, you will still vacillate between good feelings and not so good feelings because the truth of it is, we’re simply made that way.

There’s nothing to do about feeling sad or unhappy. Consider those feelings as indicators of the fact that you’re having those thoughts and that’s the only reason you’re experiencing the emotions you’re experiencing. It’s the only way it happens. Every single time. No exceptions.

In other words, you are not ever experiencing your current circumstances or your past; you’re only and always experiencing your emotions triggered by your thoughts. When I first heard this, I thought it couldn’t be possible but working with the 3 Principles for the past several years, has pointed me to the truth of this, with increasing awareness. Syd Banks was a Scottish welder who had an enlightenment experience more than 4 decades ago and gave the world the most valuable understanding of how we work as humans. Learning of these 3 powerful principles changed my life so dramatically and it’s has been the basis of my work ever since.

The number of people who have been impacted by this work runs into the hundreds of thousands globally, and in my own coaching practice I’ve seen hundreds of my clients shift their perspective and transform their lives. I love this work. I love that people get to enjoy their lives more. Mostly, I love the simplicity of understanding that life happens and regardless of how it happens, we can either flow with it and allow the ups and downs to just be ups and downs, or we can resist the way its flowing and continue to blame, shame, and complain about how it should be or shouldn’t be.

What I know to be true today is that I am an infinitely creative human being who has access to the most powerful divine intelligence which always has my back and will guide me moment by moment, should I allow myself to be quite enough to ‘hear’ the guidance.

What I also know to be true is you have that as well. If you don’t believe me then I invite you to reach out to me and I will gladly and lovingly point you back to the incredible wisdom you were born with. This wisdom can never be taken away from you nor can you ever lose it. It’s unshakeable, unbreakable, unstainable, and always present

“Let your negative thoughts go. They are nothing more than passing thoughts. You are then on your way to finding the peace of mind you seek.” – Syd Banks

Now that’s the truth!

All my love

Ps: If you would like to learn more about how to transform your life then please contact us at dee@mindfitlifecoaching.com and receive a free discovery coaching session ?