While reflecting on what I would write in this month’s newsletter, I found myself wondering where to start. So many wonderful things have happened over the past month and I had to decide what to include and what to leave out.
Being immersed in personal development and personal growth projects for most of my adult life has afforded me many opportunities but none so bold and so important as the creation of the Mindfit Coaching Academy last year in 2021. What has transpired since we opened our doors to students looking to discover more about themselves and the world around them, has been an explosion into more understanding for me that I could never have predicted.
Showing up fully has been something I’ve never struggled to do and my commitment to shining a light for those who are seeking to find their path has been both a calling and a joy. Now I’m blessed to help those who wish to help others in the form of The Awakening and The Coaches Training Program as part of the Mindfit Academy and what has unfolded in the last week has been nothing short of a miracle, once again.
For a while, I have always wanted to be involved in uplifting struggling communities and have done that in many small ways but never knew how to create something that would make a bigger impact for those who felt stuck in their negative circumstances until now. If you’ve ever felt the goose-bumps all over your body as you heard something that touched you deeply, you’ll understand what I mean when I describe the effect one phone call had on me on Sunday 22 May 2022.
One of my trainee coaches, Cheryl Sachse, sent a message at midday, while I was preparing lunch for friends who were about to arrive at my home. Now I rarely take business calls on the weekend and I mostly leave my phone on silent but this day neither of those restrictions applied and I immediately answered Cheryl when I felt the familiar stirring I’ve had over the last several years many times that gives me an indication that something exciting is about to unfold.
The very next day we are on Ballito TV, a local community station, presenting The Mindfit Mental Well-Being Community Outreach and since then, things have unfolded in a miraculous way. Once again, I’ve been shaking my head in disbelief of how quickly things can happen when one is aligned, fully aware and in tune with the promptings of the divine intelligence we all have access to.
As a result of another devastating flood in May, after the previous floods just 3 months earlier added to the civil unrest and violent outbreaks our community has experienced the past 6 months, launching this outreach project feels like perfect and divine timing.
Knowing that all I need to do is to keep showing up and responding to the nudges, prompts and invitations to serve more fully keeps me aligned with the knowledge that it’s not up to me how things work out but it is also definitely up to me to take action when I’m prompted to do so.
I know this may sound unfamiliar to you but I want to invite you to trust that should you stay curious, aware and light about life, you will be less stressed and internally calm enough to ‘hear’ and ‘see’ where you are called to show up and enjoy a more fulfilling life. It’s the only way I know to experience ‘the peace that passes all understanding’ that almost all humans want but often block themselves off from with the idea that ‘if it is to be, it’s up to me!” An old paradigm that in my opinion needs tweaking to rather state ‘if it is to be it’s up to me to listen and see where I need to be.’
I love this quote which speaks to those of us who feel that we are here to make a difference:
I’m not a teacher; only a fellow traveler of whom you asked the way.
I pointed ahead – ahead of myself as well as you.
~ George Bernard Shaw
All my love