This weekend was a milestone for me. A dream I had several years ago and only fully realized earlier this year (2021) while the world was still in a pandemic, finally came to fruition on Saturday night. Way back I remember having hope that one day, I would be able to teach people what I thought I knew (thank goodness I didn’t because I had so much more to learn).
A very special graduation celebration saw ten amazing souls complete a 7-month journey in order to receive accreditation with The Mindfit Coaching Academy as a Transformational Life Coach. It was a proud moment for me as I stood alongside the newly accredited coaches and we waited for the photographer to capture a moment that will live with me forever.
In April last year, after the loss of a loved one, the dream of making a difference become a burning desire to help others impact the lives around them. With 38 years in the personal development world and the last 13 years as a full-time life coach I felt I had enough to give and enough to know that it was time!
A series of synchronistic events confirmed what I knew many years ago; that I had reached a point where I was to pass on the baton and hand over the knowledge I had gained from the powerful 3 Principles that had changed my life completely, over the last 6 and a half years.
The night was a magical one. We laughed, we cried, we heard speeches of courage and transformation and we hugged as we congratulated each other on achieving something so wonderful. The night ended with much dancing and delight and everyone left with their hearts full and their spirits soaring with hope for a better world.
Hope is a word that I feel isn’t fully understood. We use the word lightly and most often with desperation saying things like “I really hope this is ok” “I hope you don’t mind” “I hope things get better” “All I can do is hope” “I hope this works” without realizing that the word hope doesn’t have any power whatsoever. Without the feeling the word is just that – a word. As benign as the word “love” is without a feeling, the word hope, without a feeling seems like a desperate plea to have something happen that we WANT rather than simply BEING with what is.
I have started to use the word ‘hope’ less and have often replaced it with the word ‘know’.
Try that for yourself and see if you FEEL any different “I really know this is ok “I know you won’t mind” “I know things will get better” “All I can do is know when I know” “I know this works” and if you follow the feeling, what I have seen is that with trust and confidence, hope has truly turned into knowing.
Of course, we must have hope and we must give hope to those that do not have it. But for those that feel confident, try on ‘knowing’ for size and see what happens. I discovered that rather than just saying “I hope” when I am unsure, I rather stay quiet until I am sure that I know. It’s clarity without fear that it’s ok to take the next step and know that as I do, the next step will be revealed to me. I know when I know, and when I don’t know, no amount of hoping will change anything. If it’s not meant for me, hoping that it will somehow change, morph or shape shift to suit me seems like an effort I am no longer willing to put in.
It’s exactly how Mindfit Coaching Academy came about. For years I hoped that someday, somehow things would happen but not until I felt that I knew it was time, did things unfold easily for me. I’m so glad I didn’t try and force it as I have with some things in my life (most of which didn’t work out well).
The Mindfit journey has been a joy for me and I have so much love for those that took the courageous step because they also had this “knowing.” I know they will reap the most incredible rewards of watching people wake up to their magnificence, as they serve their communities and trust their inner knowing.
Trusting that when you just know, it’s safe to take the next step without knowing what might happen next but absolutely knowing that as you step out, there will be something solid to land on is a level of consciousness that is unparalleled. I’d love to hear what you experience should you decide to play with this. Share with me here………..
To my recently accredited Mindfit Transformational Coaches: Well done brave and special people! I salute you and I look forward to watching each of you grow stronger and stronger as you transform the hope you once had of changing the world for the better, to the knowledge you now have that you ARE the change!
All my love
I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it, what I can.
It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.